Helping businesses embrace our Past, Present and Future

About First Nations Enterprise

Our Vision is to make a difference and play a significant role in helping first nations people to achieve the same education results, bridge the economic gap, and create financial independence.

We believe we can play a role in communities and workplaces to create harmony between Indigenous and non-Indigenous people to help us all embrace our past, collaborate in our present and build a shared future together.

Our aim is to bring people together, who have a desire to achieve outcomes that tackle Indigenous poverty, through a collaborative approach. We have a national presence and are driven by a commitment to fulfil our vision and achieve real outcomes. Much has already been achieved through Maar Koodjal’s programs and we strive to generate much needed funds to enable them to do more. 

Maar Koodjal has an ethos that is about people of different cultural backgrounds coming together to create inclusive communities we all can thrive in and raise our families, supporting those in need, establishing a vibrant community lifestyle based on the traditional values of the First Nation People of Nyoongar Boodjar. Maar Koodjal helps bring Indigenous and Non-indigenous people together to heal the trauma, empower the families and strengthen the communities.

We are a Social Enterprise

First Nations Enterprise operates to intentionally tackle social problems, improve communities, provide people access to employment and help the environment.

50% of our profits will go towards funding: • Employment Pathways for Aboriginal people • Cultural Awareness Programs • Mental Health Programs

How we make an impact

Provide Value Ads

Leverage existing businesses into markets and opportunities that they have been unable to access.

Provide Social Value

We deliver social value that big companies need to provide in terms of their Corporate Social Responsibility.

Supply Chain Efficiency

Assist businesses to reduce cost and provide better margins that they can then share benefits with the Social Enterprise.

Who we are

We are a passionate team of individuals bringing people together through a collaborative approach.


Dennis Simmons is the CEO and founding director of the Maar Koodjal Aboriginal Corporation and is one of the few Nyoongar Men with a degree in Psychology. These two areas of expertise come together to facilitate a cultural approach to mental health and behaviour change.

He has a background of involvement in numerous cultural and enterprises including:

  • Consultancy
  • Cultural Mental Health/ Behaviour Change on Country
  • Coaching and Mentoring in the mining industry
  • Culture Awareness training
  • Film production
  • Event Management support.

Our Services

Our Services can be tailored to meet the individual needs of businesses, but within a framework of three key areas of focus.

Business Development

We will assist other indigenous businesses with the ideas, initiatives, and activities that are aimed towards making them better. This will include increasing revenues, growth in terms of business expansion, increasing profitability by building strategic partnerships, and making strategic business decisions.

We recognise that some business initiatives may need expertise in soft skills, like networking and negotiating with different third-parties, such as vendors, agencies, government authorities, and regulators. All such initiatives are part of our business development service.

Additionally we will also provide a conduit for big businesses that want to provide opportunities to indigenous enterprises but for various reasons cant navigate the ways of working together. In these instances we will assist those businesses achieve successful partnerships or reconciliation action plan outcomes.

Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) Plans

We develop business models that help companies be socially accountable to itself, its stakeholders, and the public.

By practicing corporate social responsibility and initiating their reconciliation action plans, companies can be conscious of the kind of impact they are having on all aspects of aboriginal society, including economic, social, and environmental.

Engagement with First Nations Communities

We will assist large and medium businesses in their endeavours towards greater cultural awareness for their leaders and employees. These services may include:

  • On country cultural awareness training, based on teaching the traditional values of the First Nation People
  • Facilitation of Indigenous Tourism opportunities
  • Event Management and Cultural Festivals

Contact us

For more information please fill in the form below and we’ll get back to you as soon as possible.


    Our commercial partners include: